Sunday, October 30, 2011

Comfort Zone vs. Peace Of Mind


     Change can be very scary.  Starting over from scratch....even scarier!!! But sometimes it's very necessary. We can easily get trapped in a comfort zone that may not even be all that comfortable. It's just familiar. But when you find yourself accepting things you shouldn't accept, ignoring signs that shouldn't be ignored and staying in a situation that has taken you so far from your true self, it's time for a change.
      People may think that a person who leaves a high paid, yet unfulfilling, corporate position to pursue there authentic passion has lost there mind. Or one who leaves a financially secure, yet self-sacrificing, relationship in order to recognize her own purpose as crazy.  But let me tell you's much easier to replace material possessions than it is to replace a lost mind. Peace of mind is UNCOMPROMISABLE!! And emotional freedom....PRICELESS!!!
     You're very fortunate if your comfort zone and your peace of mind coincide in an harmonic balance. That's exactly how it's suppose to be. But if you're just "functioning in your own dysfunction" with no peace of mind in sight, then it's time for you to allow yourself the freedom to bloom.- 

QUESTION: Is it fear of the unknown or lack of self-confidence that keeps us from embracing change? Please share your thoughts.


  1. For me, the sentence shouldn’t read “or” it should read “and”. Unfortunately, both would apply to me when changed is introduced in my life. Since I am a person that likes “control”, the “fear of the unknown” is scary to me. I have begun to realize that I cannot worry or change the future. The future is beyond my control. Depending on the situation, I may demonstrate the “lack of self-confidence” for change. I will sometime question my proven abilities because of that small fear of failure. I am proud to say that both are becoming better due to my spiritual walk and exercising faith. I am now trying to take it “one day at a time”. :)

  2. Tundra,

    I have a bit of a "control" issue myself, so I can definitely relate to the fear of the unknown. And like yourself, I've come to realize that worrying about something doesn't change it. Thank you for your feed back and continued blessings on your spiritual walk. :)
