Monday, November 7, 2011

Twilight Zone

     I might be dating myself, but do you remember the show "The Twilight Zone?" The show where in each episode a main character experiences some type of strange circumstance, surprising plot twist and a confusing outcome. Outcomes that are so far from the everyday "norm" it left them feeling like they had lost their mind. That was a great show!! I loved watching The Twilight Zone. I don't, however, like feeling that I'm stuck in an episode of it.
     Have you ever been in a situation, a conversation, or even a relationship that made you feel that way? Like you were just crazy or you had crossed over into some type of alternate universe or something?? That the reactions and responses from the other person were so far out there that it had you thinking to yourself, "They can't possibly be serious." Or looking around thinking "This HAS to be some type of a joke!!" I'll admit that I've been in a situation or two that had me scratching my head thinking "Oh My I crazy?" That's not a good feeling to have.
     At times what seems normal to one person may seem like pure madness to another. It may be that neither one of you is necessarily "crazy." It could be that you're both just seeing things from opposite sides of the spectrum. We're all wired differently. And when you factor in different backgrounds and upbringings, it's no wonder our mind-sets don't always match those around us. Since we all have our different ways of viewing things, there's such a thing as a middle ground. We all need to practice the art of compromise sometimes. However, if  you find yourself stuck in a constant state of confusion that has you feeling forced to compromise your authentic character, that's when it's time to realize what your own reality is and step out of  The Twilight Zone.
Never compromise your character!! Never lose yourself in someone else's mind!!

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