Monday, November 14, 2011

Balancing Act

    One of my all time favorite sports is gymnastics. I LOVE GYMNASTICS!!! I took it from the age of 3 until I was 11. I loved being part of a team, competing and most of all the flipping. I didn't, however, like the dreaded balance beam. I was expected to do all types of flips, spins, leaps, poses and dance moves all while balancing on a 4 inch surface that's elevated 4 feet off the ground!! NOT the easiest thing in the world to do. If I wasn't extremely focused on each move and in tune with my entire body, I was sure to lose balance and fall off. Sometimes I would land on my feet making it easier to hop back on and continue. Other times I might fall off onto my back and get the wind knocked out of me which made it much harder to just get back up. No matter how I fell, having good balance was the key to not falling at all.

 Balance is something that needs to be applied to our everyday lives. Our love life, parenthood ...EVERYTHING!!  Now ladies, we may be good at A LOT of things, but our balancing act tends to be off sometimes.  Although we try, being everything to everybody and nothing to ourselves just doesn't work. It only leads to burnout, resentment and frustration. Trust me, I know!  That's what being UN-balanced looks like though. It's stressful and trying. What we often fail to realize is that we're no good to anybody if we continue to mentally, physically and emotionally drain ourselves. We WANT to give, but we can't possibly give what we don't have.

What we have to learn is that there needs to be a balance between loving our self and loving others. We shouldn't feel guilty about putting our self first. That's not being selfish, that's being smart. Loving yourself is a prerequisite to loving others. The better you love and take care of yourself, the better you're able love and take care of those around you. 

   Just like on the balance beam you need to stay focused and in tune with yourself.  Know exactly what it is that you want and desire out of life in order to live it out in harmony. Master that balancing act of loving yourself and loving others. This way, you can avoid some of those falls that knock the wind out of you.
"Balance is not letting anyone love you less than you love yourself." ~ (EAT, PRAY, LOVE)

Do you think that being natural nurturers hinders us from living balanced lives? And if so, how can we turn that around?

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